The RPM Challenge is the latest complete-something-in-a-month project, this something, an album. I've been diligently meeting every other day or so with Alex Walsh for the past couple weeks, in our quest to complete 10 songs or 35 minutes of music by the end of this particular set of 28 days called February. We've already got more than 10 songs, but in the interest of quality-control, we're continuing on. If you're a songwriter or music fan, check out the site over the next less-than-two weeks and listen in to what those who've taken the challenge have concocted. OR post your stuff. I promise I'll share an mp3 of something new, either here or there, by the weekend.
Are you by chance related to Floyd James Hayes of Sacramento? I'm tracing my ancestry, and stumbled upon your name and blog site.
My name is Rebecca Thrower.
Hi Rebecca...hmm, one of my great uncles was named Floyd. Write me offline...thanks...
Well, Deborah. The world gets smaller and smaller everyday.
One thing is certain: Literary art and performance art comes our way quite naturally.
Great blog. Thanks for getting back to me. Perfect peace.
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