Monday, September 27, 2010

So Cal Soujourn: Culver City's Cinema Bar

A mini-tour of So Cal sort of formed itself this week. The week got started with a gig at the very cool & venerable dive bar "The Cinema Bar" in Culver City. Along the lines of Austin's Hole in the Wall if smaller, its dark and set up equally for drinking and live music. That is the stage is small too but there's a decent sound system. When I arrived to set up, a crack bluegrass band, The Old No. 7, who are the Sunday happy hour band, was playing. They usually back Cliff Wagoner but he'd been stranded in Ventura and his band-guitar, mandolin and violin, carried on in fine fashion. A hard act to follow, but Cinema's denizen's were extremely friendly, and and good audience, so I enjoyed my set. Charles Saltzman closed out the night with a soulful set of covers and originals built around keys.

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