Thursday, June 5, 2014

Always...Patsy Cline in Alameda

Belton & Etzel

Pre-show entertainment
The acclaimed musical Always...Patsy Cline show is now playing at Altarena Playhouse here in Alameda.  We saw Always last Friday night after perforing a short pre-show set at the theater and can say it's wow. Margaret Belton completely owns the starring role of Patsy, and her co-star Julia Etzel will make you laugh and cry in the role of Patsy's friend Louise. Plus there's a bang-up house band that backs Margaret/Patsy on more than 25 classic country songs a la I Fall to Pieces, You're Cheating Heart, and Crazy. The subplot is how well these songs hold up. A great song really is timeless.
 Grab a ticket if you can.

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