Friday, June 27, 2014

New Moon in June

“And the sun and the moon sometimes argue over who will tuck me in at night. If you think I am having more fun than anyone on this planet, you are absolutely correct.”
― Hafiz

There is no excuse for not writing (or blogging as the case may be), there is just not writing. Just like everything, you are either doing it or you're not. Not writing, though, doesn't necessarily mean you aren't creating value in other ways.  I haven't been at the keyboard much this week, which has been concerned with music and yoga in other spheres of this great big world. Speaking of spheres, it's the New Moon today. Time to start something new, plant some seeds, celebrate you're alive.*
You might also take a listen to the latest from. Kris Delmhorst. She  has a great new album out Blood Test.
*“There is a wonderful sparkle to the New Moon in Cancer at 5 degrees on June 27th, 2014. Something feels refreshing and even inspiring even if you can’t quiet verbalize what it is. Soak in the fabulous energy now as new moon phase tends to symbolize a fresh new start…” —Dipali Desai at Celestial Space Astrology.

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