Creature of habit that I am, my summer is per usual, marked much by biking around, going to shows, and shopping at the Farmer's markets in our Bay Area foodie & original music paradise.
Read: Not a new book, but "The New Village Green" sheds light on sustainable living via words of wisdom from green authorities including Michael Pollan, Bill McKibben and Lynn Margulis.
Eat: Latest goodies found at local market are the raw cacao super food chocolates from Emeryville's own Coracao Confections. Yum
Listen: KALX Live! Kalx is one of Berkeley's free form public radios and I'll be guesting along with Alex Walsh tonight on the Saturday Live! show 9pm PST. You can tune into 90.7 FM or listen to the archives a later date. There, you'll find archives of previous shows too. Check it out!
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