Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Strawberry season: keep it organic please

Nearly every day for the past few weeks, I've come across after-work fieldworkers selling they're quota of strawberries on street corners. I'm had to stop for one amid a lot of events which involved bringing food to share.
"Organic?" I asked.
"Si! Organica," he assured me. And I was off with my half-crate, glad to have had a choice of something healthier to offer my friends. I grew up in the strawberry capital of the world...at a time when organic food was not even much of a concept in people's mind. Pesticide use was rampant (and still is in most parts of the world). Lucky for us, the tide is turning. Some resources below if you're having a hard time deciding to get unconventional.
The Organic Report
Tips for Buying Organic on the Cheap
Organic Trade Association
Grow A Farmer (trains Organic Farmers)

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