Sunday, September 30, 2007

A fool for Litquake

I am going to be a part of the San Francisco Litquake Festival, an event featuring more than 200 authors in a three-hour literary crawl through the heart of the Mission District, as one of the author representatives of On the Page. We're going to be at the Mission Laundromat from 8-8:45 on Sat. Oct. 13 at 3282 22nd St., San Francisco, CA 94110 (I've read in laundromats but never have I read from my work in one). I'll be reading an old piece called "The Fool" that was first published in 2001 and has been republished in a new print version of OtP. Other OtP readers will include John Dylan Keith and Blair Campbell. The crawl should be a cool event and I'm looking forward to making some new discoveries. Keeping with the theme of "The Fool," I've been on a roll for new inspiration, notably with both music and yoga. In the former category, LCD Soundsystem opening for Arcade Fire blew me away with their sheer energy and humor.
Unexpected yoga convergences found me straying from my first love in the land of asana, Mysore-style Ashtanga as taught by Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois. That practice broke open the world as I'd known it 10 years ago in Boulder, Colorado, and led me to India and back, while informing just about all my writing on some level. While my passport quietly awaits its next call, San Francisco has been proving its yogic mettle. Twice in seven days, I've had my yoga world expanded by practices to which I'd previously given little regard. Last Saturday, I met Shadow yoga instructor Eric Shaw outside the Revolution Cafe and ended the evening with some street asana. I'll definitely be checking out some more of this flowing style, evocative of both Thai Chi and dance and innovated by a former Iyengar student. Shortly thereafter, I randomly chose a class at the closest studio to my house, thinking if I'm bored or annoyed (I'm a snob), I'll leave. Hah! I got GREAT instruction by Karl Erb, whose also steeped in the Iyengar tradition. Plenty to tide me over 'till Ashtanga Yoga San Francisco opens in a few weeks.

Listening to KCSM...
and choosing carefully from the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass roster....

1 comment:

Karen said...

Congrats on the LitQuake reading!